Media Literacy

The article, “What is media literacy and why does it matter?” takes an in-depth look at what media and literacy are as separate entities and in combination. I am passionate about literacy through and through. I believe that it is the gateway for student success and achieving lifelong goals. This area of strength has driven me to become passionate in my teaching practice. As I read through the articles and as I unwrap this class information, I am reminded that literacy is a gateway into our “modern digital age” as stated in “A Reminder That ‘Fake News’ Is An Information Literacy Problem-Not A Technology Problem.” Up until now, I haven’t really connected these aspects to literacy. For starters, I implemented technology in a limited way and experimented with some projects with colleagues. But I can’t say this is an area I was confident in. This quote really struck me, “Children are taught to regurgitate what others tell them and to rely on a digital assistant to curate the world rather than learn how to navigate the information landscape on their own.” It is evident that students need to be given opportunities to explore their learning with a critical lens. This lens can create creative opportunities and develop their skills in the media world.

The article, “What is media literacy and why does it matter?” defines media and literacy in a simple way.

“Media is any communication outlet used to distribute information, entertainment and data.”

“Literacy – is the ability to identify, interpret, understand and communicate.”

When I think of literacy in the primary grades, I naturally think of word walls, writing and reading continuums, idea books, and engagement activities that incorporate these literacy modalities. I dabbled in the past with green screens and connected it to writing for Grade 3 students. I worked alongside Aaron Warner on this project and student engagement was definitely a driving force. We saw success, students engaged and reluctant learners attempting to write and engage in oral sharing time. Moving forward I realize the importance to shift my perspective and continue to build my knowledge in this area. Developing effective literacy lessons and skills must be grounded in quality education. The following article breaks down 4 effective components. The article, Characteristics of Effective Digital Literacy Program breaks down Digital Literacy into 5 simple parts for educators to follow:


Communication and social connection


Storage and Retreieval


As a mother, teaching my daughter her letter sounds seems to be a focus, along with numbers, subitizing, and being a kind friend. As I teach some beginning lessons on digital citizenship I am realizing that this is equally important for my daughter. Media literacy is increasing ever more and at times I wonder if the education system is equipping the students fast enough. I would say I was a strong passionate teacher, although digital literacy wasn’t at the top of my priority list. However, being a reflective educator is vital in our own development as educators.

I was really drawn to the information from Fighting ‘Fake News’ In The Classroom. It is evident the amount of information and misinformation we are exposed to is growing at a rapid pace. This article has valuable tips I am going to share with my students as this current information should be discussed. I am going to be teaching some middle year lessons on Thursday and Friday and plan to discuss this topic with the students. Here are some guiding questions to initiate our conversation:

  1. When you hear the term Digital Literacy, what do you think of?
  2. Where do you get your news from?
  3. Have you read a news paper before?
  4. Do you have news apps on your phone?
  5. Have you heard of fake news before?

Fighting ‘Fake News’ In the Classroom shares 5 journalistic standards questions that will be great to share with the grade 7/8’s. It is evident the need to encourage critical thinkers in our students. Students need opportunities to explore information and become literate in navigating information. This breakdown will enhance the student’s literacy skills and provide a framework for students to learn from.

Below is the breakdown from Fighting Fake News in the Classroom :

Common Sense Education

Common Sense Education offers these visually friendly posters to help engage students and teach them to process the information they are reading. Not only are they a great starting point for students, but they are effective tools for them to refer to.

Thanks for checking in on my latest blog. Take care!

Published by Kola

I am a response teacher in Regina, Saskatchewan on Treaty 4 Territory.

5 thoughts on “Media Literacy

  1. Kola, it looks like you tried some new blocks on your post for this week! Great job. I see buttons, pull quotes and more! Great job. I know that blogging can sometimes be tricky, but after a little more practice, you will get the hang of it. Heck, I’ve been doing it for a year now and I still find myself trying new things, Googling or YouTubing how to do something, etc. Everything takes time and practice. Does it make perfect? Absolutely not. But it makes progress. Progress counts.


    1. I was enjoying the different options that I came accidentally came across. However, it is good to learn a variety of blogging methods. I learned how to video mini podcasts (voice notes) through WeVideo, which became easy to embed into slides. The skills I am learning are significantly helping me stay current in our field. Thanks, Kelly!


  2. Great post, Kola! I really connected with your paragraph about recognizing the importance of digital citizenship (equal to letter sounds, being a good friend etc). It is something that I haven’t really worked with my own kids on until this class. Last night, my oldest was trying to download a new app and it was asking her to give access to her camera and wanted her first and last name. Normally, I would have shut it down but last night we sat together and talked about what answering those questions/allowing permission could mean. It wasn’t scary at all! And I know it stuck with her because this morning, she had great questions about privacy and security online. My point is, good for you for recognizing the importance of doing some early media literacy with your daughter. It is so important and it has to start somewhere!


  3. This was so easy to read and your integration of various blocks kept your post engaging! Out of curiosity, how are you building media literacy and digital citizenship with your grade 7/8s? By your post, it looks like you are doing some engaging work and I was curious if this was in a certain class. I also teach grade 7/8 and would love to hear how things are going!


    1. Hi there, I am working with grade 5/6 students. I’ve been working on incorporating digital citizenship and media literacy with the support of Common Sense Education. The little videos have clear messages and are easy to implement. They also have informational slides. I have made some templates up on canva for the students to reflect on following the videos. WeVideo would be a great option for your Grade 7/8 students. Let me know if you ever want some help!


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